10 Practices for More Impact with Less Burnout

modified from a post published on AlizaSherman.com

Beth Kanter and I gave our first joint presentation on some of the content we’ve been compiling and writing for our new book together, The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: 10 Strategics for Impact Without Burnout. Our assignment was to come up with 10 concrete things anyone could start doing today to bring more awareness to one’s health and wellbeing and apply self-care techniques to different aspects of one’s life.

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Work Life Tech Zen

We are overwhelmed. A short manifesto

Our cup is too full. We need to disconnect to reconnect.

As Cybergrrl, I spent the early 90s telling people they should “Get Online!” More recently, while promoting my 10th book, Social Media Engagement for Dummies, I wanted to talk about the tech elephant in the room: that a big challenge we all face engaging people through social media is that everyone is overloaded, bombarded by information and ads and pummeled by constant, ubiquitous social media news feeds. Continue reading